Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nathan Gunn and One Degree of Separation

OMG. It just occured to me today that my favorite baritone, Nathan Gunn, has only one degree of separation from my celebrity boyfriend, Pierce Brosnan. How, you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

I was listening to Just Before Sunrise (see sidebar for a widget with song excerpts) and one of the songs on the CD is The Parting Glass. As I was listening for the 100th time, it finally dawned on me that Pierce sang this exact same song in the movie Evelyn! I think the reason it took so long for me to realize this is that their singing styles are quite a bit that I mean Nathan Gunn is excellent, Pierce, well, Pierce is cute, okay? I loved Mamma Mia, by the way, and thought Pierce did as good as he possibly could in the role of Sam, but I didn't buy the soundtrack for that alone.

Don't take my word about The Parting Glass - judge for yourself. Watch/listen to this Youtube video of the song from the movie. Then go to the sidebar and find The Parting Glass in the Just Before Sunrise songlist. I think you will see what I mean.

Forgive me, Pierce, for putting you in this postion, but MAN. There is no comparison.

1 comment:

Susan said...

OMG woman you are worse than I am! LOL! What a relief to know I'm not the only devoted dedicated fan out there. (Note that I left off adjectives of insanity. That was intentional)