Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday Fun

My mother wanted to go shopping yesterday in a nearby town that houses an outlet mall. This is a big deal, you see, 'cause we don't have nothing like that near our hick little ole town. The extra special draw that gets people to go 45 miles to shop is the Coach outlet store.

If you love purses - and I KNOW you do - this is the place for you. I was there about a month ago and bought myself two new purses. I'm not embarrassed to say that I spent about $200.00 on them...but they retailed for about $600.00. (Income tax money, don't you know, and I deserved them for last year. Yeah, I'm still using that excuse and plan to use it all through 2009, so stay tuned.)

Anywho, Mom saw said purses and wanted one for herself. Her condition - any purse she would buy had to have a shoulder strap. I don't do the shoulder strap - I usually wear a small backpack for trips (this is the last one I bought):

...but it really isn't a good size to hold my Kindle, so I bought two tote-type bags although they are "tote" in style only. Not huge, just big enough to hold the Kindle and wallet without feeling stuffed. Here's an example (I couldn't find my exact purse but this is the same size/style):

So the hunt for a suitable bag that had a shoulder strap was on. We had all the sales associates helping and eventually we settled on one that looks like this (couldn't find a pic of the exact one she bought, but this is close):

Just imagine a shoulder strap instead of the smaller strap. She ended up being extremely happy with her purchase, and I was glad to take her there...she bought me a Coach umbrella as a thank you. Wasn't that nice?

I plan to NOT turn it inside out like I did the previous cheapo umbrella...I HOPE. This one is a bit too expensive to replace, so I'm gonna have to be extra careful.

Then we hit the Carter's kids clothing store.

After perusing the racks, we ended up buying waaaay too much for the granddaughter/great-granddaughter. Here's an example of one of the outfits we bought:

Again, it's not exactly the right shirt, but it's really hard to show you the right one since it seems that outlet outfits just aren't photographed and posted on the web anywhere for me to steal and post here. ;p

After spending too much, we headed up to Champaign to shop at Birkenstock Concepts. Mom wanted to see new styles. We both are Birkie people due to feet problems. I mostly wear Birkenstock Footprints and she is straight Birks. We saw a few new interesting styles, but nothing that made us go wow...until we looked at their Finn Comfort shoes. They are built the same as Birkenstocks as far as the cork footbed and the fact that the footbed can be replaced. She loved them and bought this pair in two colors:

After spending more money there, Mom and I headed over to pick up the grandkiddies from their father. He lives/works in Champaign, so it worked out for me to pick them up this weekend since I'd planned to be there anyway. Once we had them in the car, we decided to go eat. First choice was the Original Pancake House on Springfield Ave. I let Mom and kids out so I could park since it had started to rain and Mom is not really a great walker anymore. I get inside to join them only to find out they have a 45 minute wait. What? On a Saturday at 1:00 p.m.? Sheesh - a popular place, I guess.

I would have waited any other time, but a 3 and 6 year old are NOT great waiters. I knew they'd already be tired and cranky from being at their Dad's house - he lets them stay up late and so forth, so I wasn't going to risk that kind of wait.

Instead we went down the street to Famous Dave's Barbeque. We actually had an enjoyable time. The kids were really well-behaved (not that they aren't normally, but we have had tantrums and other issues in the past) and the food was great.

After eating we headed back home to Decatur and I let the kids watch Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures in the DVD player - they love that show and were good as gold all the way home. That is definitely noteworthy. No fights, no arguments between them - I was definitely happy with how the day went.

I'm spending more time with my mother than I ever have, for good or ill. The reason is mostly that her health is deteriorating. It's a slow progression but it's age, her weight and other issues. So of course I'm worried about her, but I also want to spend time with her while I can. I don't think I did that as well as I could have with my father (he died in 1980) and I have always regretted that.

Anyway, another weekend down. Next weekend it's Quacker Duck breakfast at the Children's Museum, then the Vet Med Open House at the University of Illinois for the kids. I can't wait to go in the school again as my son's class picture will be up on the corridor wall. I haven't seen it yet - they don't put it up till after the class leaves, and the last time I was there I forgot to look for it! I'll take a picture of the picture and post it once I have it.

Week after next I have a business trip and I am really looking forward to it. Lots of "me" time with other adults, drinking, gambling boat visit, should be fun.

Let the good times roll.

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