Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cancer Yoga Study

Today is like a catch up day, I guess. I've already posted all the Nathan Gunn news that is fit to print, as they say, so I'll talk about me.

I got a call a few weeks ago from the Cancer Care Specialists wanting me to participate in yet another study. They are attempting to prove/disprove the theory that Hantha Yoga aids in helping post cancer patients sleep. I will admit to sleep problems, mainly waking up on an average of six times a night. I don't know if it is anxiety or what, but it has been happening since cancer became a part of my life.

The study requires that you wear a bracelet that tracks something for a week. Then one group will take four weeks of yoga, two times a week. The other group will do nothing for the same time period. At the end, they will measure something (I'm not clear on the details yet) that will prove/disprove their theory. The participants that did not get to do the yoga will then be offered the same class for four weeks. So either way you get four weeks of yoga. Not a bad deal as it's free.

Initially I said I would be interested. They had an evening meeting for all interested parties last week and I got ready, went out the door, drove to the center...and could not make myself go in.

I actually became ill at just the thought of going into the building. Yes, I know this is all mental. But that building is where they hurt me. Where they blithely administered chemotherapy and devastated my body/health. Where they told me, don't worry, your hair will grow back...everyone goes through this...platitude after platitude.

I don't consider myself weak. In fact, I know that I'm not. But this building and all it portrays took me under in that moment.

I went back home and resigned myself to not participating. On Friday, though, the woman in charge of the study called me and we are meeting in her office, off the Cancer Campus, on Monday morning. So I might be in the study or I might not. I think a lot is going to depend on where it is held.

I'll keep you posted.

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