Friday, January 30, 2009

Nothing But Fun

I don't think I mentioned it, but last year I survived through breast cancer. Through surgery, through chemotherapy, through radiation. Through hair loss, through unbelieveable nausea, through depression. When New Year's Eve 2008 arrived, I drank a HUGE glass of wine and toasted myself, saying that 2009 would have to be better and that I was leaving all the sickness in the past. WRONG.

Today I had to go to the doctor. For the last two weeks, I have had pain in my left shoulder/arm/breast area. This is the side that had the cancer, so I'm immediately thinking that I pulled the incision inside or strained something since I was exercising, as well as lifting some boxes at work. I've gotten to where I hate going to the doctor, but I finally caved since instead of getting better, it's getting worse.

The doctor listens to my tale. (I've checked the internet and there is a huge community of women who have underarm pain due to their breast cancer surgery, so I'm armed with lots of info - I think.) He asks me to take off my top/bra so he can check me out. After he leaves the room I do that and wait for him to return. Amazingly enough I'm thinking he didn't have to leave - I've shown my breasts to just about everyone in this town during this entire process, so modesty is completely gone.

When he returns he takes out the affected arm and looks around. He points to the node incision and says, "What is that?" I say, "What, this red stuff? It's a contact rash, I'm pretty sure, from the bra. I have very sensitive skin and if the bras are not double rinsed, I get rashes." He says, "Um, no, that's not contact rash - that is shingles."

Shingles. What the hell is shingles? He explains that the chemotherapy suppressed my immune system and allowed this virus (from chickenpox I went through as a child) to come out to play. The pain radiates from my back spine around to the front, mid breast, which is, apparently, normal. Great. One more fabulous thing to go through.

He prescribes Valtrex as an antibiotic. I've heard that name before - I think on a commercial. He says, "Well, it is used normally for herpes." Even more great! Now I'm taking an anti-herpes medicine. He tells me that if I don't take it, the chances of the pain coming back over and over for years is possible. I'm like, gimme that paper, doc, I'm on the way to get it right now.

So just when you think that you are through one trial, another one comes along.

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